
MonoLu Inc., a DX company in the logistics industry, has been carved out of OLIENT TECH Co., Ltd., in which our firm fund has invested.

OLIENT TECH Co., Ltd., in which our firm fund has invested, has carved out a logistics product business that it has been working on for some time, and MonoLu Inc. has been established as the first business to emerge.

We will continue to support OLIENT TECH, Co., Ltd. in its efforts to provide engineering education and human resource development, and to produce and structure new businesses that will lead to innovation.

You can read the press release at the following page.

Our Representative Director & Managing Partner, Mr. Suzuki, gave a lecture in the “Technology Management” course at Hitotsubashi University.

Our Representative Director & Managing Partner, Mr. Suzuki, gave a lecture on “Open Innovation Approach for Industry-Academia Collaboration and Social Implementation VC” at Hitotsubashi University’s “Technology Management” (faculty member: Prof. Kazumi Nishino).

For more information on this subject, please see the following pages.

The Company executed an investment in Porta-Park, Inc.

Albacross No. 1 Investment Limited Partnership executed an investment in Porta-Park,Inc.

Porta-Park,Inc. HP:

Nature of Business: Research, development and manufacture of air conditioning functional sandwich panels.

Green AI, Inc., in which our firm fund has invested, has been selected as one of the “100 companies that will create the market of the future [2025 edition]”.

Green AI Inc., in which our firm fund has invested, has been selected as one of the “100 companies that will create the market of the future [2025 edition]” announced by Nikkei BP.

The award was given high marks for its potential to create a new market and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by providing an AI-based CO2 reduction roadmap formulation function.

The press release can be viewed below.

EfficiNet X Co., Ltd., a company we are support to launch, will be exhibiting at the Japan Mobility Show.

EfficiNet X Co., Ltd., a developer of “AI that can play as a team” that we are support to launch, will exhibit at the Japan Mobility Show, October 15-18, 2024.

We plan to explain our efforts in the manufacturing industry and our outlook in the logistics area. All interested parties are welcome to come.

EfficiNet X Co., Ltd.:
Japan Mobility Show:

Bolteo Inc., which we are support to launch its business, has started offering “bolteo ai,” an energy x AI platform.

Bolteo Corporation, a company we are helping to launch its business, has developed the energy x AI platform “bolteo ai”. As a first step, we have started providing power generation forecasting services for solar and wind power generation.

For more information on this subject, please see the following pages.

OLIENT TECH Co., Ltd., in which our firm fund has invested, has implemented a practical education program for the summer of 2024.

OLIENT TECH Co., Ltd., in which our firm fund has invested, conducted a practical education program in summer 2024 for technical college students and university students nationwide.

The motto of this program is “learn as if you were playing”. Through this program, high school, technical college, and university students from various regions worked in teams for a month on AI practical education and urban practical education issues.

The day’s events are described in the following pages.

Albatross Technology Inc, in which our fund has invested, has been selected by NEDO for the “Next Generation Technology Development Project for Floating Offshore Wind Power Generation”.

Albatross Technology, Inc., in which our fund has invested, made a joint proposal for “Feasibility Verification of Large-scale Floating Vertical Shaft Wind Turbine” to the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for the “Development of Next-generation Technologies to Promote the Introduction of Floating Offshore Wind Power Generation” and was selected as the project proponent. The project was adopted as a project to be implemented by NEDO.

More details are available below.

We will participate in the “KicSpace Accelerator” as a partner VC.

Our company will participate as a partner VC in the KicSpace Accelerator, which will be implemented by Kiraboshi Bank, Ltd.

An overview of the KicSpace Accelerator is available below.

“TIB Partner” was adopted.

Our company has been selected as a “TIB Partner” to plan and operate events and programs to support startups in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government at the Tokyo Innovation Base (TIB), a startup support base operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
We will support startups in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

An overview of TIB partners is available below.